Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Exploring Chinas Orwellian Digital Silk Road

chatham house

A Southeast Asian state at odds with Beijing, for example, could find critical goods held up in ports in Pakistan or Sri Lanka—in a deniable and unofficial sanctions system. The most visible signs of this digital infrastructure are the fiber cables, the network base-stations, the satellite networks, and the Smart Cities provided at the “consumer” end. Smart Cities coalesce data, connecting, and computing service platforms with existing information sources under one roof in Intelligent Operation Centers (IOC). These centers integrate disparate information from different sources to create—in the jargon—a real-time, comprehensive, and actionable image of city operations. IOCs provide a centralized data-exchange platform critical to day-to-day operations of administrative, industrial, environmental, energy, and security systems. In layman’s terms, the IOC acts as a living organism that continuously assesses citywide operations and identifies requirements through sensors and cameras that are distributed around key nodes allowing for real-time monitoring and predictive analysis.

Explore Chatham's History

chatham house

Despite the current global crisis, that message still resonated loud and clear from the long-delayed National People Congress (NPC). Dive into the Chatham's cultural landscape and discover the history of this ever-changing place. If your institution is not listed or you cannot sign in to your institutionĂ¢€™s website, please contact your librarian or administrator. Since joining the WTO, China has created jobs and wealth, while the rest of the world has enjoyed a wider choice of products and services at lower prices.

Institutional account management

This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data.

Iran's electoral facade - Chatham House

Iran's electoral facade.

Posted: Mon, 04 Mar 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Personal account

After the battle, Chatham’s stately rooms were transformed into a field hospital. Clara Barton, Mary Walker, and Walt Whitman served in the hospital at Chatham, caring for sick and wounded soldiers.The Lacys returned to Chatham after the war but could not maintain their lavish lifestyle as their wealth had been tied to the enslaved people who had claimed their freedom. The next eight owners likewise had difficulty keeping up the house and grounds. Chatham’s fortunes changed in 1920, when Helen and Daniel Devore purchased the property.

Soft power ‘pandemic’ diplomacy and the ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) were scarcely mentioned during the NPC. For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. Instead, Chinese leadership presented a grim assessment of the domestic and international economic landscape, as foreshadowed in previous politburo meetings. It also abandoned the annual GDP target, something which has not occurred since 1985 when it first announced the number. The institutional subscription may not cover the content that you are trying to access.

Blue skies over Beijing: economic growth and the environment in China

And form an infrastructure network connecting all sub-regions in Asia, and between Asia, Europe, and Africa, step by step.” And so various parts of the Chinese state and private sector have driven themselves into the task with gusto and enthusiasm. Only five years later, nearly a quarter of the 4.2 billion people living in urban environments now live under PRC Smart City and Safe City network and surveillance technologies. For librarians and administrators, your personal account also provides access to institutional account management. Here you will find options to view and activate subscriptions, manage institutional settings and access options, access usage statistics, and more. To purchase short-term access, please sign in to your personal account above.

The Royal Institute of International Affairs members

As Tin Hinane El Kadi has written for Chatham House, many countries sign deals with Chinese tech companies that install these systems with little or no oversight or adopt repressive cybersecurity laws that resemble China’s. Third, it is likely to be used to further China’s economic expansion across developing economies, providing massive amounts of raw consumer and market data, giving Chinese firms advantages that their competitors—local and Western—will be unable to challenge. This will be particularly true in sectors that China has judged to be of national security interest, such as biotech, new materials, wearable devices, information communications technology, AI, and the internet of things. It might be used to coerce foreign policy elites “downstream” from the port host nation by applying pressure on the supply chain.

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If you believe you should have access to that content, please contact your librarian. Such policy is backed by a consensus within the party and is designed to give the impression that his key policy agenda is swiftly moving forward triumphantly. But Beijing recognizes the acute anxieties from the grassroots of society as the country appears to have gone from being one of the world’s most equal societies to one of the world’s most unequal. Challenges to China’s economic model are increasing, as witnessed by the ongoing tussle between the world two largest economies.

You are unable to access chathamhouse.org

In addition to owning hundreds of thousands of acres and at least one hundred enslaved people, the Fitzhughs were related to and good friends with other well-known Virginians like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and George Mason. The non-stop social requirement of hosting friends and relations drained Fitzhugh's purse. As a result, Fitzhugh sold Chatham 35 years after moving in.At the time of the Civil War, Confederate supporters Betty and J. The Lacys resided at Chatham in the winter and lived in their other home, Ellwood, in the summer. Betty, meanwhile, packed up the household and left Chatham empty, which allowed it to be occupied by the US Army and used as a headquarters during the Battle of Fredericksburg.

As the centenary of the party approaches, the world’s largest political party must tell a convincing story that its policies work for everyone inside China. And that story is not about a victorious conclusion in fighting COVID-19, but rather a continuation of the party legitimizing its rule by providing jobs and social stability. The gigantic BRI was rarely referred to in the policy announcements, nor was fresh state capital for the BRI raised. It signals a scale back to serve China's age-old foreign affairs priority – creating a stable external environment for domestic economic developments and a return to a self-serving periphery diplomacy with a focus on its immediate neighbours. The new national security law in Hong Kong caused a blast of explosive responses internationally. But China’s critical domestic priority remains to revive a shuttered economy amid mounting unemployment.

China is no longer seen as a benign force nor does it wish to bail out the world through a massive stimulus. Beijing needs to choose its priorities, narrow down its objectives and focus on delivering existing projects. Beijing must also improve the quality of BRI projects by working with other stakeholders. During the Two Sessions meetings, Beijing proposed new public-private partnerships, deregulation of certain sectors, and increased borrowing to smaller enterprises.

It is, as many observers have already noted, a strategy with deep geostrategic implications. It is also a strategy that has security implications for the West, for the United States, its allies, and for other rising powers—such as India, South Africa, and Brazil. Terrorist attacks at Westgate Mall in 2013 and Garissa University College in 2015 had left hundreds of people injured or dead. Additionally, rising crime figures in rapidly-growing cities like Nairobi and Mombasa left the impression that Kenyan security forces were losing control of Kenyan cities. Worse still, a series of carjackings and tourist robberies began to effect a major source of revenue. It was with relief then that the Kenyan government received an offer to build a new Smart City program by the prominent Chinese tech company, Huawei.

Chatham Manor Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania National Military Park U S. National Park Service

chatham house

A personal account can be used to get email alerts, save searches, purchase content, and activate subscriptions. Typically, access is provided across an institutional network to a range of IP addresses. This authentication occurs automatically, and it is not possible to sign out of an IP authenticated account. Blue skies over Beijing, building on the experiences of cities in the United States, is optimistic about future ecological progress as both central and local government in China are promoting sustainable development to create a ‘Beautiful China’. The book thereby moves away from the usual non-Chinese discourse on environmental problems in China which tend to be pessimistic. Despite the enthusiasm, the arrangement largely concerned temporary measures and is not a substitute for a long-term plan to reduce air pollution.

You are unable to access chathamhouse.org

As Tin Hinane El Kadi has written for Chatham House, many countries sign deals with Chinese tech companies that install these systems with little or no oversight or adopt repressive cybersecurity laws that resemble China’s. Third, it is likely to be used to further China’s economic expansion across developing economies, providing massive amounts of raw consumer and market data, giving Chinese firms advantages that their competitors—local and Western—will be unable to challenge. This will be particularly true in sectors that China has judged to be of national security interest, such as biotech, new materials, wearable devices, information communications technology, AI, and the internet of things. It might be used to coerce foreign policy elites “downstream” from the port host nation by applying pressure on the supply chain.

Chatham Manor

As with infrastructure, China has understood what local and regional governments need and catered to those needs in expert fashion. The world’s urban population is predicted to grow by an additional 2.5 billion people in the next thirty years, with a doubling of the global middle class taking place in and around China and India, providing a huge expanse in the region’s urban space. The building of so many new cities and the hyper-growth of so many current cities will require a major outlay in infrastructure, energy, and transportation hubs. It will also require the efficient allocation of resources, energy, and—as the mainstay an increasingly digital global economy—access to digital networks and the internet of things.

chatham house

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But this is also a pointer - for the nation and the world - to the direction of a self-reliant China in post-coronavirus world. Relations between Beijing and Washington are, meanwhile, going from bad to worse and, behind an exuberant chorus of pandemic diplomacy performed by senior Chinese diplomats, there has been a sombre tone on international challenges posed by the pandemic inside the power corridors of Beijing. Beijing has begun to encourage export-led manufacturers to focus on selling to a domestic market. The party has always been a master of story-telling to its own population, and often presents its story with a sprinkle of populism. Beijing holds its conservative maxim that, no matter how complicated the international situation has become, China must prioritise the management of its own affairs.

Institutional access

chatham house

This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data.

In discussing this, Blue skies over Beijing provides an interesting account of how urbanization in China is causing environmental problems; the book pushes for sustainable urban growth. Enslaved laborers and craftsmen built Chatham Manor in 1771 at the direction and financing of William Fitzhugh. The large Georgian structure’s location atop Stafford Heights and its visibility from Fredericksburg put the Fitzhughs’ wealth and status on display for everyone around.

Environment and Society Centre - Chatham House

Environment and Society Centre.

Posted: Fri, 15 Sep 2023 14:36:40 GMT [source]

The IJOP in Xinjiang combined information gathered from multiple data sets—including CCTV, banking, employment, and health records, Wi-Fi sniffers, security checkpoints, and facial recognition—to monitor the details of people’s daily lives at the level of minutia. Whether or not the smart city programs incorporate these functions in given states will be of critical importance to the lives of their inhabitants. Second, it enables Beijing to expand its legal and political norms and values—albeit, bundled as part of these technological packages.

Centralized access to personal, commercial, and political data carries with it a huge centralization of data that is at odds with concepts of the rights to privacy. On the Digital Silk Road, this centralization of data benefits China as much as it benefits host nations, introducing vulnerabilities into the host nations that could be utilized if they were to ever come into conflict or suffer diplomatic tensions with Beijing. By acting as network architects and administrators, Beijing will be privy to data streams in real-time across a large portion of the world, enabling them to develop influence and power across a number of different matrixes. In the first instance, that power and influence would be over the foreign policy elites of host nations, including civil servants, political and military leaders, journalists, the legal and commercial sectors in the form of information. This might be used as kompromat—to leverage key individuals in critical moments of internal discussion—on issues Beijing judges central to its interests.

While the centralizing of data on crime and municipal services will be a great boon to rapidly-growing cities across Africa, the Indian Ocean, and Central Asia, they are not without their dangers. As we will discuss in this and a follow-up piece, Beijing’s rapidly expanding influence over the digital space of the Indo-Pacific will have real-world effects on the people who live inside such systems, impacting how comprehensively states are able to surveil their citizens. They may also have an impact on the geopolitical landscape as states that fall under the People Republic of China’s (PRC) digital system, may be aligning to a new type of political, digital and economic order, analogous to that built by the United States and its allies after World War II. While looking at a map of the Smart Cities growing across the Central Asian landscape, it is possible to imagine that a new type of political order is arising. In it, the three ministries advocated for “countries along the Belt and Road . [to] improve the connectivity of their infrastructure construction plans and technical standard systems .

A Southeast Asian state at odds with Beijing, for example, could find critical goods held up in ports in Pakistan or Sri Lanka—in a deniable and unofficial sanctions system. The most visible signs of this digital infrastructure are the fiber cables, the network base-stations, the satellite networks, and the Smart Cities provided at the “consumer” end. Smart Cities coalesce data, connecting, and computing service platforms with existing information sources under one roof in Intelligent Operation Centers (IOC). These centers integrate disparate information from different sources to create—in the jargon—a real-time, comprehensive, and actionable image of city operations. IOCs provide a centralized data-exchange platform critical to day-to-day operations of administrative, industrial, environmental, energy, and security systems. In layman’s terms, the IOC acts as a living organism that continuously assesses citywide operations and identifies requirements through sensors and cameras that are distributed around key nodes allowing for real-time monitoring and predictive analysis.

The Devores, in the spirit of Colonial Revivalism, wanted Chatham to represent historic majesty. In the convening years the Devores transformed Chatham from a former slave plantation to a showy, country retreat. The look of Chatham today resembles the house after these restorations in the 1920s.Chatham Manor has stood along the banks of the Rappahannock River opposite the city of Fredericksburg for 250 years. People living and working at Chatham experienced the young nation’s experiment in democracy along with the persistent defense of slavery which nearly destroyed that democracy. Some societies use Oxford Academic personal accounts to provide access to their members. Shibboleth/Open Athens technology is used to provide single sign-on between your institutionĂ¢€™s website and Oxford Academic.

After the battle, Chatham’s stately rooms were transformed into a field hospital. Clara Barton, Mary Walker, and Walt Whitman served in the hospital at Chatham, caring for sick and wounded soldiers.The Lacys returned to Chatham after the war but could not maintain their lavish lifestyle as their wealth had been tied to the enslaved people who had claimed their freedom. The next eight owners likewise had difficulty keeping up the house and grounds. Chatham’s fortunes changed in 1920, when Helen and Daniel Devore purchased the property.

Powered by the expanse in data provided by 5G technologies, multiple sensors can be deployed from street lamps tell electric companies that they’ve gone out, to buildings can regulate their own heating and ventilation. Smart Ports provide the additional capabilities of device automation, intelligent scheduling, and trade surveillance to improve resource allocation and ship transfers. The premise is that a better-integrated and effectively-operated city boosts economic activity, and promotes sustainable growth into the future. It is possible that this age is witnessing the building of the largest intelligence-collecting program in human history, giving China real-time access to the digital economies, finances, crimes, and personal lives of the citizens of three-quarters of the world. As we continue our own Western debate on the role big data companies will have in liberal democracies and tensions between privacy and the political and economic exploitation of data, we would do well to look at the world that China’s tech industry is seeking to remake in its own image.

Such steps represent a welcome improvement but are unlikely to raise sufficient revenue nor appeal strongly enough to President Trump to decisively alter the course of the Sino-US confrontation. This is because a GDP target alone is no longer seen as a panacea to surmount all challenges faced by China in a post-coronavirus world. Instead, stabilizing soaring unemployment to create an extra nine million jobs, eradicating absolute poverty, and increasing cash flow to smaller companies trump everything else. For 250 years, Chatham Manor has dominated the heights opposite Fredericksburg on the banks of the Rappahannock River. Follow Chatham's history from slave plantation to Civil War, from ruin to rebirth, from private property to a protected historic site.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Costco's New Shed Doubles As a Backyard Retreat And It's on Major Sale Right Now

tiny house shed

Define areas for sleeping, dining, working, and relaxing. This can be achieved through the strategic placement of furniture and the use of room dividers or curtains for privacy. Think about your needs and preferences, and how you want the space to function. Will you need a separate bedroom, kitchen, or bathroom area? Consider the placement of windows for natural light and ventilation, as well as any necessary plumbing and electrical considerations.

How do I turn my shed into living space?

You should hire an electrician with a valid license to install electrical wiring, outlets, and lighting fixtures. Plumbers should install water, drainage, and sewage lines. Conduct an inspection of the structure, condition, and amount of space offered by the shed.

Metal Buildings

But um, but yeah, we watched their, their videos, and they were one of the channels that motivated us to, you know, to do this to try this out. And, and then we were like, well, they have like five kids and we have one. So if they can do it with those many kids, and maybe we can just do it with the one.

Converting a Storage Shed into your Tiny Home to Save Time & Money

So I had I had a lot of like the the basic knowledge on how to do this. And yes, the five years that me and Katherine had been married we've always been picking up little odd and end jobs. And she's always been helping me she's always a great she's she's an incredible helper. She's always willing to stick it out and, and help me even when it's hard and even when we're hungry and even we don't really want to do it. And so So yeah, when we when we started we did the demo stuff We first started doing walls.

15 Tiny Houses You Can Order on Wayfair - Woman's Day

15 Tiny Houses You Can Order on Wayfair.

Posted: Thu, 08 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

With less ground to cover you can focus on taking advantage of and maximizing the space, you have in your shed tiny house. Lastly, it’s important to mention that safety should always be a top priority. It is essential to use high-quality materials, follow building codes, and have all electrical and plumbing work inspected by professionals. Safety measures, such as installing smoke detectors and fire extinguishers, should also be taken into account to ensure a secure living environment. When converting a shed into a tiny home, one of the most important considerations is the electrical and plumbing systems. These systems are essential for creating a functional and comfortable living space.

Why Should You Live In A Shed?

As your partner in this transformative process, Small House Solutions brings expertise and innovation to ensure your tiny house is not just a dwelling but a reflection of your lifestyle. From meticulous planning and insulation to electrical and plumbing considerations, Small House Solutions offers a comprehensive approach. If you plan to have running water in your tiny house, you will need to address plumbing installation. This involves connecting your tiny house to a water source and installing a water heater, faucets, toilets, and drainage systems.

tiny house shed

It involves insulation, wiring, plumbing (if you're going for the full suite of home amenities), and, of course, some creative interior design. San Diego is a favorite California city, thanks to its temperate climate and beautiful landscape. Like many other California cities, they have become more open to tiny homes in the recent past, particularly ADUs. Shasta County defines THOWs as recreational vehicles, and like many counties, only allows them in an RV park or campground. There are specific side guidelines that require tiny homes on foundations to be around 400 square feet.

Living In A Shed While Build Your House

East Austin Airbnb owner finds tiny home on property with a man living inside - KXAN.com

East Austin Airbnb owner finds tiny home on property with a man living inside.

Posted: Thu, 18 Jan 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

With four regular windows plus four 10×24″ Transom windows, this shed style would work well if you’re wanting a future tiny house that is filled with warmth and sunlight. Although the Premier Workshop Shed is a little more on the pricey side, its standard features and exterior look set it apart from most of our other sheds. A set of double doors also comes standard on our Premier Workshop Sheds and will allow for easy entry into your future shed house. Featuring a 10/12 gable roof pitch and an 8″ roof overhang on all sides, the Premier Workshop shed gives off an aura of magnificence and strength. On top of all that, you could add some customizable features such as the color of siding, different roof types, and much more to give it a personal touch.

tiny house shed

And then we sent the those pictures, those drawings to my uncle who was, is actually a blueprint engineer, which is convenient enough, because it's really convenient, right? And he told us what was possible what was not possible, you know, and he gave us like, professional blueprints. And so we were like, "Okay, well, maybe this isn't going to be as easy as I thought." And so we kept looking. And then we found a little spot that had the building that we ended up purchasing, sitting in the back of a lot with all of the other ones.

Experiment with colors, textures, and patterns to add visual interest and create a cozy atmosphere. Incorporate natural materials such as wood, stone, and metal to bring warmth and character to your interior. Consider repurposing vintage or salvaged items to add charm and personality to your tiny home while minimizing environmental impact. Now is a good time to finish off the walls with some sheetrock and mud in the joints. You can also apply the texture and paint the walls then install flooring so you don’t have to worry about paint on the floors.

And so give give me a sense of like what you know what it is that you got I'm getting so it's like a finished shed. So there's exteriors siding the windows are in the doors are in but there's no no insulation, what's the floor like? There’s no need to spend money on a day at a spa when you have one in your personal outdoor shed! Create a mini spa in your shed where you can pamper yourself. Set up the area with your favorite beauty products, nail tools, a foot spa and a massage chair.

A-frame sheds are easier to build and have additional headroom due to their vertical walls. A-frame shelters are popular because they efficiently shed rainwater and snow. They store garden tools, home belongings, and general storage. A-frame sheds are popular with homeowners because they match numerous architectural types and fit into many outside locations. Depending on personal preferences, they come in different sizes and can be made of different kinds of materials like wood, metal, or plastic.

Design patent application guide

patent design

Nonprovisional applicationA nonprovisional application is examined by a patent examiner and may be issued as a patent if all the requirements for patentability are met. To file your nonprovisional application, you must prepare all your documentation. This includes submitting the contents in a standardized format, along with all required forms and fees.

Los Angeles Office

Every line, number, and letter must be durable, clean, black (except for color drawings), sufficiently dense and dark, and uniformly thick and well defined. The weight of all lines and letters must be heavy enough to permit adequate reproduction. This requirement applies to all lines however fine, to shading, and to lines representing cut surfaces in sectional views. Lines and strokes of different thickness may be used in the same drawing where different thicknesses have a different meaning.

Design Patent D436,119 Drawing Sheets 3

If applicant changes his or her mailing address after filing an application, the Office must be notified in writing of the new address. Failure to do so will result in future communications being mailed to the old address, and there is no guarantee that these communications will be forwarded to applicant's new address. Applicant's failure to receive, and properly reply to these Office communications will result in the application being held abandoned. Notification of "Change of Address" should be made by separate letter, and a separate notification should be filed for each application.

Important Considerations Prior to Filing

patent design

A sectional view which more clearly brings out elements of the design is permissible, however a sectional view presented to show functional features, or interior structure not forming part of the claimed design, is neither required nor permitted. The world of intellectual property is a complex one, and the need for accuracy and compliance to guidelines and timelines cannot be emphasized enough. Ensuring quality patent applications requires proper strategy, and subject matter experts, and is a time-consuming process that is prone to error.

Foreign applicants may be represented by any patent attorney or agent registered to practice before the USPTO. The work of examining patent applications is divided among various technology centers (TCs), each overseeing assigned fields of technology. Each TC is headed by group directors and staffed by examiners and support staff. The examiners are assigned to units specializing in the broad and specific subject areas that best cover your invention and review applications and determine whether patents can be granted. Normally you cannot get a patent if your invention has already been publicly disclosed prior to filing a patent application for your invention.

Who Can File a Design Patent Application?

Excess claims fees and/or an application size fee may also be due on filing depending on the number of claims and the total number of pages in the specification and drawings. The drawing for a design patent follow the same rules as other drawings, but no reference characters are allowed and the drawing(s) should clearly depict the appearance, since the drawing defines the scope of patent protection. The specification of a design patent application is brief and ordinarily follows a set form. In the United States, a design patent is a form of legal protection granted to the ornamental design of an article of manufacture.

patent design

In addition, the Indian Patent Office became an International Searching Authority and International Preliminary Examining Authority (ISA/IPEA) under the Patent Cooperation Treaty in October 2013. This means that Indian companies will now get access to top-quality patent search reports based on both local and global databases, at highly affordable rates. Moreover, to promote more IP use among small businesses, IPO implemented a “small entity” category of users in 2014, whereby SMEs of both domestic and international origin enjoy a 50 per cent discount on the patent fee.

Columbia Doesn't Deserve New Design Patent Trial, Justices Told - Bloomberg Law

Columbia Doesn't Deserve New Design Patent Trial, Justices Told.

Posted: Wed, 27 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

International patent law differs greatly from U.S. patent law — in fact, the differences are as plentiful as there are countries. Part of our success, and the reason we can offer such a quality product, is that our team is committed to quick turnarounds, paying close attention to detail, and providing exceptional customer service. Patent Designs is also continually searching for and adding team members who specialize in graphic arts, technical illustration and CAD drafting. This enables us to provide our clients with an extensive variety of drafting services. If you have employed a registered attorney or agent, they can file on your behalf. To show copyright infringement, the plaintiff must show the infringing item was copied from the original.

Submitting the basic filing fee or the cover sheet on a date later than the filing of the provisional application requires a surcharge. Unlike nonprovisional utility applications, design, plant, and provisional applications can still be mailed or hand-delivered without paying the additional $400 non-electronic filing fee, and can also be filed via Patent Center. The design patent protects only the appearance of an article, not its functional features.

The owner of an application under a secrecy order has the right to appeal to the Secretary of Commerce (35 U.S.C. 181). An appeal fee is required, and you must file a brief to support your position. An oral hearing will be held if requested upon paying the additional fee. An extension-of-time fee is normally required, the amount depending on the length of the extension. Such extensions are generally unavailable after an application has been allowed.

You will still be able to amend or argue against the examiner's decision within time periods noted in the final action, but with more restrictions than when responding to a first office action. Be careful to not delay your reply to office action, as this may result in additional fees if filed after the reply period expires or abandonment of your application if you fail to respond to the examiner's office action within the required time. The "shortened statutory" reply period is the time limit to reply without having to pay extension fees.

Discounts are available if you meet the requirements for small entity or micro-entity status. In Japan, an applicant can request that a design be kept secret for a period of up 3 years after the registration has been granted. In Brazil, the applicant can request that the application be kept in secrecy for a period of 180 days from the filing date. This will also delay the prosecution and granting of the application for 180 days. The session will be useful for inventors, entrepreneurs, and all those who would like to learn more about patents and have a beginning to intermediate knowledge of the patent system. WIPO Lex is a global database that provides free of charge access to legal information on intellectual property (IP), including IP laws and regulations, WIPO-administered and IP related treaties, and leading judicial decisions on IP.

Patent Bar: New Changes Up Ahead for Design Patent Practitioners - The National Law Review

Patent Bar: New Changes Up Ahead for Design Patent Practitioners.

Posted: Fri, 17 Nov 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

For example, two vases having different surface ornamentation creating distinct appearances must be claimed in separate applications. However, modified forms, or embodiments of a single design concept may be filed in one application. For example, vases with only minimal configuration differences may be considered a single design concept and both embodiments may be included in a single application. Utility and plant patents have a term for up to 20 years from the date the first non-provisional application for patent was filed.

With an increasing rate of international patent filings, Indian companies must compete both locally and globally, and therefore strong IP practices are crucial. AI is steadily making inroads within the IP ecosystem in India and is transforming the way IP is researched, drafted, and protected. Under U.S. law it is necessary, in the case of inventions made in the United States, to obtain a license from the Director of the USPTO before applying for a patent in a foreign country. For any document in which any law, rule, or other regulation requires an oath, a written declaration may be used instead (see MPEP 602 for more information).

The original numbering of the claims must be preserved throughout prosecution. When claims are canceled, the remaining claims must not be renumbered. Claims added by amendment or substituted for canceled claims must be numbered consecutively beginning with the number following the highest-numbered claim previously presented. When the application is ready for allowance, the examiner will (if necessary) renumber the claims consecutively in the order in which they appear or as you request. The reasons for any adverse action, objection, or requirement are stated in the office action, and you may receive information or references useful in aiding your judgment of whether to continue prosecution of the application. The specification should include a complete, detailed description of the plant and the characteristics distinguishing it from related known varieties, and its antecedents.

A multiple dependent claim, or any claim dependent upon it, is considered separate dependent based on the number of claims it refers to. Applications with multiple dependent claims require additional fees for each claim. The application is not examined until all required parts, complying with related rules, are received.

Round Mehndi Designs: 55+ Easy Circle Shape Mehandi Design for Brides & Bridesmaids

circular mehndi design

Plus, this design provides the perfect background to add your personal touch. So, if you are looking for a timeless and easy-to-apply Mehendi option, consider these attractive round designs for your backhand. Stay in vogue with the latest trends in Mehndi artistry through Round Mehndi Design Latest.

Unique Circle Mehndi Design

Mehndi is made from something called henna, which is good for cooling off your skin, especially when it’s hot outside. So, lots of people started using it because it helped them feel better in warm weather. With its dangling lotuses, this circular mehndi has a daring appearance. This stunning and flawless floral mandala design is a great project for someone with exceptional flower-drawing talents. Dark dots could potentially be used to accentuate any mehndi pattern, traditional or contemporary.

Jewelry Style Mehndi Design:

If you combine floral patterns to your classic round mehndi designs, it will truly transform into a ravishing masterpiece that you will instantly fall in love with. For easy guides, check out this super fun yet simple tutorial for your festive occasions. These designs, characterized by their circular patterns, are often applied on the hands and feet during weddings, festivals, and other joyous occasions. Each round design carries its significance, with some representing unity, while others symbolize good luck and prosperity.

Flower with palm full Mehandi circle design

Accentuating the dark strokes and simple patterns—these designs can be your henna goals. Embrace the allure of Mehndi Design in Round Shape that adds a unique touch to your adornment. Our collection features an array of meticulously crafted designs boasting captivating circular patterns. These round-shaped Mehndi designs exude elegance and charm, perfect for various occasions. The simplicity of the design allows for versatility, making it suitable for various occasions, from casual gatherings to formal events.

circular mehndi design

This design is inspired by Dream Catcher making it look unique and aesthetic as well. Circular Mehndi is one of the most preferred designs among brides. Among thousands of designs available on the internet we have picked some of the best ones that you can adore for your wedding. One could probably engrave this circular mehndi on their palms if they like to keep it elegant and uncomplicated. This round mehndi design has an enigmatic charm enhanced by the vibrant blossoms and dark foliage. Girls who are not willing to have tattoos can design a black tattoo style round mehndi design on their back and after a week or two, get a new one.

It is very common to celebrate the Mehendi Ceremony by the bride’s family. This ritual is customary, and now it is a raging trend observed by most of the people. This is a simple round mehndi design or round Tikki mehndi designs, which can be easily done by beginners for KarvaChauth. It is customary for mehndi to be applied by married women as a symbol of good fortune.

The design can be as intricate or as minimalistic as desired, allowing for personalization that reflects the wearer’s preferences and the occasion at hand. Originally, Mehndi was done convolutedly on the hands while legs and feet were kept simple. The modern bride seeks for perfection, as they prefer intricate motifs on her legs and feet too.

circular mehndi design

Here is the list of circular mehndi designs:

It has an extremely complex design that is expertly decorated. Just give your backhand an attempt at this easy circular mehndi. This photo below will make one realize that mehndi is not manufactured only for hands and legs it can be applied to different parts of the body.

9 Stunning Summer Mehndi Designs With Images - Styles At Life

9 Stunning Summer Mehndi Designs With Images.

Posted: Thu, 23 Aug 2018 20:26:51 GMT [source]

Women fast during this day for the well-being of their husbands and break their fast after they sight the moon along with their husbands. Different patterns from floral designs to geometric patterns are used for the mehndi. This is an unusual circle mehndi design with lotus instead of the usual floral motifs that we see. The dark shading around the lotus is what makes it look spectacular by adding beauty to the design. Lotus refers to several virtues like beauty, purity, and grace. This is an unusual design not seen too often as we normally see floral motifs, geometric designs, loops and spirals symmetrically placed.

On the one hand, you can art your couple ring at the circle’s centre. On the other hand, you can art the bride and groom’s name or the first letter and circle it up with circle designs. These designs are quite traditional, but it resonate exclusivity as they are simple and elegant to create. So, if you think that this is a time to go minimal, exclusive and trendy, then you will be bowled over to see this gorgeous design going just halfway up your legs. This design looks intricate yet super tidy at the same time.

People like to wear mehndi with flower designs for parties and celebrations because they look nice and remind us of nature. They’re not just shapes; they’re windows to exciting stories from our culture. They show how life keeps going round and round, just like the wheel of a bicycle. And all of this is captured beautifully in the delicate art of henna on your skin.

Circle Mehndi Design is a timeless art form that embodies beauty, culture and symbolism. Its circular form represents unity, eternity and the cyclical nature of life. With its intricate pattern and graceful symmetry, the design reflects the essence of festivity and artistry. For brides who want a full bridal mehndi design but also wish to incorporate circular henna patterns, this beautiful design should be your ideal pick. For brides who prefer a more delicate look, round mehndi designs for the back hand offer a stunning alternative.

Shed Conversions for a Cozy and Sustainable Home

tiny house shed

Using a composting toilet allows your off-grid tiny house to handle waste without water and sewer installations. Composting toilets turn human waste into a compost-like material, without the need for a water supply. If local laws permit, the material can even be used for garden fertilizer.

What Counties in Tennessee Allow Tiny Houses – Rules and Regulations You Need To Consider

tiny house shed

Some places require a permit, but it’s a formality more than anything, city hall needs to get it’s slice anyway they can. When it comes to Tiny Houses, they come in all shapes and sizes. Many people have asked me about building a tiny house shed as an affordable option to having your own tiny house. One appeal of tiny houses is the chance to seek privacy and serenity outside of the city. Unhooking from the grid—municipal electricity, sewer, and other utilities—is often the trade-off.

Can You Legally Live In A Shed?

With proper installation techniques, shelves and other furniture can provide comfortable storage solutions as well as aesthetic value. Using precast concrete stairs provides safe, and direct vertical access to you house, as well as a secure foundation and appealing finishes. Alternatively, if you really want to make a statement, why not select a bold blue or even stunning peach paint? With a little bit of time and effort, painting your shed walls and ceiling white is an easy way to give it a modern ambiance it may have been missing. In case you are not able to do it along, you can search the best garden shed builders in Fort Worth to help you get going. I am a I'm a big fan of Princess Diana Azzam and two that are the Kennedys.

It speeds up the build.

This tiny house was built out of a 384-square-foot shed. The shed itself cost $5,200 and the total build cost $11,000. It's hard to get financing for projects and things that most people aren't familiar with.

Pacifica offers a “make yourself at home” process to help you dig into the designing with a wide variety of tiny house plans, colors, finishes, and materials. The tiny house design process is simple, and the homes capture the true California aesthetic. Formerly known as Liberty Cabins, Forever Tiny Homes is an established California tiny house builder with a heavy following.

This is because they deliver these sheds on flat beds or even tow trucks sometimes. They even have these little crawler machines to maneuver the shed into place where a truck might not be able to get into tight back yards. Included are the windows, doors, installations, taxes, anchoring, site leveling and delivery all for the price of $4,200! Figure adding in permits, running power, insulation and drywall (doing the work myself of course) I am looking at a sweet house for around $6,000. You could then deck it out with Ikea swag for another $500 and have a really nice place!

Tuff Shed conversion ideas

Again, that's thetinyhouse.net/THD and use the coupon code tiny for 20% off. Welcome to the Tiny House Lifestyle Podcast, the show where you learn how to plan, build, and live the tiny lifestyle. I'm your host, Ethan Waldman, and this is episode 210 with Adrian and Katherine Alvarez. If you're trying to build a tiny house on a budget, starting with a pre existing shed can be one of the cheapest ways to do it.

Shed Conversions for a Cozy and Sustainable Home

We provide a highly-custom design experience as well as handle all development and construction requirements to fulfil our clients unique goals. Are you thinking of constructing an ADU on your lot or renting one? Here’s everything you, as the homeowner or tenant, need to know about the construction of these types of small house units, the costs, and the benefits.

tiny house shed

Creating a fully functional tiny house out of a shed can bring great joy to individuals seeking simpler, ecological, and practical living. In recent years, the concept of tiny house living has captured the imaginations of many seeking a simpler, more sustainable way of life. From minimizing environmental impact to reducing living expenses, the appeal of tiny homes is undeniable.

Texas homeowner discovers person living in tiny home on his property - San Antonio Express-News

Texas homeowner discovers person living in tiny home on his property.

Posted: Sat, 20 Jan 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Many people would think this is overkill, but a shed is so small that it will take several hours to seal it completely. The next step is to install any required HVAC systems, electrical and water lines, internet connections, and so on. You can also consider installing outlets and lighting to the shed's exterior. After dealing with moisture, the next step is to adjust the framing of your shed. Shed builders frequently use frames that are smaller than standard 2x4s.

Dwelling in a shed is often not allowed because how small it is. Once you buy a shed, you’re first going to want to get all your utilities to the site and setup before you do anything. Get your water, power and sewer squared away, get your copies of all the approvals, then wait a few weeks.

Remember that moisture and mold may be a problem if the floor isn’t properly protected. With a solar power kit, you can add a little power to your shed without having to route electrical from your house. The panel absorbs energy from the sun during the day and allows you to route it to other appliances, like lamps, electric saws, stereo systems, and chargers for your cellphone.

Storage is essential in tiny homes because there isn't as much space as in a larger home. As a result, you must make innovative use of every available storage space. To make your tiny house airtight, try to fill in any gaps you might find in the walls or flooring. In addition, you can also spray foam in any unreachable areas. Factor in the sleeping arrangements, kitchen, bathroom, and living area.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Investigators say acetone couple used for home improvement project led to explosion

layton utah house explosion

When fire units arrived at approximately 6 p.m., crews found one person outside the home, while a second was heard inside yelling for help. However, despite initial reports indicating there were three residents, a third person was not located. Another woman was safely evacuated from the house’s second unit and a pet dog was found a few hours after the explosion. Officials believed there were no other occupants in the duplex. Officials said the duplex was on fire when firefighters arrived.

Children’s Justice Center opens American Fork location

The resulting inferno caused an estimated $200,000 in damages and left the home uninhabitable. LAYTON, Utah (KUTV) — Crews on Wednesday responded to a house fire that investigators believe started when when a pan of oil ignited as a family was preparing a birthday party meal. A Utah neighborhood was evacuated and locked down Tuesday night after "ancient dynamite" was found in a home, authorities said.

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Layton Fire Battalion Chief Brad Wilkes said the burns were visible across their faces and arms, however, he is most concerned about any potential injuries from the blast itself. LAYTON, Utah (ABC4) — Two people were flown to the University of Utah Burn Center after receiving serious to critical injuries from a basement explosion in Layton earlier today, Apr. 8. Cook said the explosion lifted a wall and caused it to fall over onto the neighbor’s house. "It almost sounded like a very heavy object falling and then the ground started shaking," said Preston Tiffany, who lives next door to where the blast occurred.

How to find the best winter lodging in Bear Lake, Utah

The furnace room has more charring than anywhere else, indicating the point of origin,” explained Layton Fire Battalion Chief Jason Cook. Those living in the home where a wall is now leaning against it plan to spend the next few days elsewhere while crews work to remove that wall. Wilkes wasn't allowing anyone inside the home until experts could ensure that the house was safe to enter. "The house is uninhabitable. It will need to be torn down. It's going to be condemned," Wilkes said.

Rain or shine, Nihon Matsuri, the Japanese street festival, is happening this Saturday

The uninjured dogs are being taken care of by family members. It was not until midnight when fire rescue units located the third occupant, identified as John Mullin, who was inside the home at the time of the incident. The Cache County Sheriff's Office said John Mullin died during the explosion. Beck said Dominion Energy workers showed up at her mother's house on Monday and spent several hours there working on a gas line in front of it.

One person injured in Syracuse house fire - KSLTV

One person injured in Syracuse house fire.

Posted: Sat, 23 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Rain, flooding forces closure of SR-201 in Salt Lake …

The man suffered “significant shrapnel injuries” from the explosion. He was taken to a local hospital where he is currently in critical condition. He was transported by ambulance to McKay Dee Hospital, then flown to the University of Utah Hospital after suffering significant shrapnel injuries from the blast. “The victim in this case initially said that he was doing welding in the garage, so that may very well have what caused this explosion,” said Layton Police Lt. Travis Lyman. Layton police responded to the area near the garage of the home, where they found a 77 year-old man who had sustained serious injuries from the blast.

layton utah house explosion

Couple critically injured in basement explosion at their Layton home

layton utah house explosion

An entire wall of the home had fallen down and onto the house next door following the incident. They were reportedly doing repairs in the basement of the home when the explosion happened. Barker told local media that no foul play is suspected and that the dynamite was discovered after the owner of the home called a friend to assist them. When the friend arrived, "that's when calls were made," according to Barker. Investigators say the man was alert when taken to Davis Hospital.

Layton basement explosion caused by acetone, officials say

After the explosion, the man was able to walk out of the basement, but the woman collapsed at the stairs. Neighbors came to help the two until first responders arrived. Officials say the explosion lifted the house off its foundation, explaining how the structure’s outer wall fell onto the neighboring house. As determined on the day of the incident, the house will need to be demolished as it no longer is on its foundation. Tablets are a great way to remain productive if you don’t have a laptop and your mobile phone’s screen is too small. LAYTON, Utah (ABC4) — The individuals injured in Saturday’s basement explosion have been identified as Brandon Kinsey and Shea O’Brien.

critically injured as basement explosion destroys Layton home

The south wall blew off and came to rest on the side of neighbor Preston Tiffany’s house, breaking a window and causing some other damage. The basement explosion “heaved” sections of the home’s first floor and “moved interior basement walls,” said officials. LAYTON, Utah — Investigators from the Layton City Fire Department say a house explosion on Saturday, April 8, was accidental and caused by acetone.

The explosion happened at a house in the area of 850 North and 2175 West. The home's resident was preparing food for her daughter's 20th birthday party, Bitton said. She had to run an errand while the food was cooking, and she reportedly asked her 11-year-old son to watch the stove while ran to the store. While the official cause is yet to be determined, a preliminary investigation suggests the blaze began with a cooking fire. According to Barker, the controlled detonation will not impact surrounding homes or structures, but that the home where the dynamite was found will be "uninhabitable" after the detonation.

“Shea has sustained 3rd degree burns on approximately 50% of her body. She is able to wake up and communicate via whiteboard with her family. Brandon has sustained 3rd degree burns on approximately 30% of his body.

"I saw a fireball roll up our neighbor's outside wall right outside our windows." He said the explosion caused severe damage to the home, with one side of the house being blown off. LAYTON, Utah, April 12, 2023 (Gephardt Daily) — Neighbors are offering an update on a Layton couple hospitalized in critical condition Saturday after a basement explosion destroyed their house. Wilkes said investigators believe the use of “some sort of solvent in the basement” sparked a flash fire and the “complete detonation” of the home. Late Tuesday night, investigators concluded the man was welding a metal bench when one of the sparks flew in to a near by gunpowder container causing the explosion. The explosion caused significant damage to the garage of the home, but no other homes were damaged.

Layton house explosion sends 2 people to hospital

layton utah house explosion

While officials say it will not collapse on its own, it is considered “uninhabitable” and will be torn down in the future. There are no gas leaks and all power and gas sources have been shut off from the home. The victims confirmed there are no other individuals in the home and while they own several pets, the neighbors confirmed they saw the dogs playing outside. Officials also say they have not heard anything that would suggest pets were inside. Layton City Fire Battalion Chief Brad Wilkes said told Gephardt Daily at the scene that the man and woman were able to get out of the house.

layton utah house explosion

Woman's survival after Utah house explosion called a 'miracle'

There is no further update on the condition of the two residents at this time. Officials say they are still receiving treatment at the U of U Burn Center. Kinsey and O’Brien both received visible burns across their faces and arms and were flown to the burn center in severe to critical condition.

Layton house explosion sends two people to hospital with serious injuries

A neighbor's security camera caught the moment a home exploded in American Fork Wednesday morning. Then suddenly amidst flames and debris, out walked Shirley Hunt, 82, still breathing, alive and well. The huge explosion and massive flames happened just before 6 a.m. And shook homes everywhere near the 55-year-old and older community where the blast happened at 67 N.

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The man’s wife and 12-year-old granddaughter were inside the home when the explosion occurred, police said. Lyman says a 77-year-old man was welding a bench in the garage of the home when the explosion occurred. “The house has some structural damage, our building inspector did and is doing an investigation to make sure it is still habitable,” Cook said. Police say two other people were inside the home when the explosion occurred, but they were not injured. “Whatever detonated most likely was a pilot light of one of two, you know, furnaces typically in Utah are gas, and so are water heaters,” Wilkes said.

Kaysville house fire started in dryer, emergency officials say - KSL NewsRadio

Kaysville house fire started in dryer, emergency officials say.

Posted: Thu, 29 Dec 2022 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Layton house explosion sends 2 people to hospital

"Burn injuries for sure from a flash explosion," the battalion chief said. "But given the damage to the house that you can see, we suspect some traumatic blast injuries." Tiffany said he saw the couple stumble out of the home with visible burns. Neighbors with medical training assisted them until police and paramedics arrived, he added. There were two people inside the house at the time — one male and one female.

Semitruck crash in Washington County closes northbound I-15

Four cars were destroyed, with an additional vehicle damaged during a detached garage fire on Friday night. The family is now counting on well wishes from the community as the couple will need months to recover in the hospital. "We can only look in, we won't put any crews in the basement. The floor is unstable. All the structural members in the floor system are blown apart," he said. A GoFundMe account has been established by Eric and Miranda Ruiter, who describe themselves as neighbors of the couple, identified as Shea O’Brien Kinsey and Brandon Kinsey. KSTU PhotoA Layton house was damaged by an explosion on Saturday, April 8, 2023.

Neighbors described hearing a loud boom at the time of the explosion, but they didn’t initially know what caused it. According to Layton City Fire Battalion Chief Brad Wilkes, the man and woman were inside the home near 850 North 2175 West when the explosion happened at approximately 3 p.m. LAYTON, Utah — An explosion in a Layton home sent two people to the hospital Saturday afternoon. A handful of top brands make high-quality microwaves, but there are a few features you should look for to ensure you’re getting a quality appliance. Authorities are unable to enter the home at this time as it is structurally unsound and dangerous.

"We were in our living room trying to get him to take a nap, playing, when all of a sudden we felt and heard a very large noise, and then the ground started shaking," Tiffany said. "I thought it was an earthquake — then I watched a fireball roll up our neighbors' house and watched the wall fall in slow motion towards our house. So that's when we grabbed our son and ran." Wilkes said the blast happened while the man and woman were in the basement working on a flooring project of some sort. Because the Mullin's are licensed dog breeders, there were over 50 dogs on the property at the time of the explosion, including 16 inside the home. Five of the dogs were recovered in the home hours after the incident, with three currently in critical condition.

How to find the best winter lodging in Bear Lake, Utah

LCFD battalion chief Jason Cook said smoke was emanating from all sides of the home when firefighters arrived. The department had to resort to fighting the fire from outside after a large amount of debris prevented crews from entering the structure to attack the incident at its source. LAYTON, Utah — Rescue workers took one person to the hospital Tuesday after what some described as a house explosion in a Layton neighborhood.

“It blew the entire side of the house off,” Wilkes said, adding that he has never seen something like this where the victims survived. The homeowners are being treated for burns at the University of Utah Burn Center. During the restoration project, officials said the couple had used approximately five gallons of acetone. Preston Tiffany, his wife and their 1-year-old son live next door to the house where the explosion occurred. “It blew the entire side of the house off," Wilkes said, adding that he has never seen something like this where the victims survived.

The family is now counting on well-wishes from the community as the couple will need months to recover in the hospital. "They're in very difficult circumstances right now," said Shea's father, Kevin O'Brien. "Shea has over 50% of her body burned. (Brandon) still has very significant burns and will be (in the burn unit) for an extended period of time himself." LAYTON, Utah (KUTV) — Bomb investigators believe sparks from a welding machine ignited nearby gunpowder, causing a large explosion at a Layton home Tuesday afternoon. Officials are looking into what caused the explosion, but Wilkes isn’t allowing anyone in until they can ensure the house is safe to enter.

“Depending on what happened, we do get flash fires from painting, sealing wood, any of that stuff. “There’s usually a flash fire that burns people, not an explosion, a detonation like this. Authorities originally thought the explosion that obliterated the basement and blew a wall off the Layton home was caused by natural gas, however, that was not the case.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Apple releases four OpenELMs to help boost LLM development

apple design guidelines

The rest of the M4 MacBook line will likely launch in 2025, as Gurman expects 13-inch and 15-inch MacBook Air M4s to debut by spring. That matches up pretty well with the company's habit of hosting release events in October, as it did in 2023 when it unveiled the M3 MacBook Pro during its "Scary Fast" Apple event. The numbers go up from there, topping out in the powerful 16-inch MacBook Pro M3 Max which, when maxed out (~$7,199), packs a 16-core CPU, 40-core GPU, 128GB of memory and 8TB of storage.

How can I make my app stand out in the App Store?

Up to date library of screens from all your favourite apps, Mobbin is one of the best tools you can find out there. Redesigned in November 2021, it showcases all the design elements of a modern iOS app. An all-time favourite for music lovers, Shazam is the perfect example of simplicity and intuitiveness. There are no specific recommendations for pictures and illustrations, except that Apple has a low tolerance for pixelated images. But keep in mind that high-resolution iOS displays require high-resolution images.

The basics of iOS Human Interface Guidelines

Apple has removed apps from the App Store that claimed to make nonconsensual nude imagery, a move that demonstrates Apple is now more willing to tackle the hazardous app category. A report suggests that Apple is still looking across the spectrum of AI providers for iOS 18, with OpenAi again in conversations with the iPhone maker. A new rumor claims that the forthcoming iPad Pro, scheduled to debut on May 7, could be the first Apple product with the next-generation M4 chip powering it. The authors of the models and the papers include Sachin Mehta, Mohammad Hossein Sekhavat, Qingqing Cao, Maxwell Horton, Yanzi Jin, Chenfan Sun, Iman Mirzadeh, Mahyar Najibi, Dmitry Belenko, Peter Zatloukal, and Mohammad Rastegari. If the company feels pressured to demonstrate how well it can integrate AI to make your day-to-day life on Mac better, we could see some fun stuff.

iOS App Design Guidelines: A Comprehensive Guide

If your app runs on a specific device, the guidelines in Visual Design would make sure it runs on every screen size for that device. In other words, an iPhone-only app must run on every iPhone screen size and an iPad-only app must run on every iPad screen size. Following the HIG ensures that your app feels native to iOS, providing a consistent and familiar user experience across the platform.

Apple's Design Guidelines Give Accessory Makers Specific Details on Making MagSafe Products - MacRumors

Apple's Design Guidelines Give Accessory Makers Specific Details on Making MagSafe Products.

Posted: Mon, 02 Nov 2020 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Hugging Face is used to host AI models, as well as to train them and to work with others to make improvements. Apple has publicly shared four open-source models boasting of enhanced accuracy for queries, which could help the development of future AI models. Alex Wawro is a lifelong tech and games enthusiast with more than a decade of experience covering both for outlets like Game Developer, Black Hat, and PC World magazine.

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Since then he's seen the growth of the smartphone world, backed by iPhone, and new product categories come and go. Current expertise includes iOS, macOS, streaming services, and pretty much anything that has a battery or plugs into a wall. Oliver also covers mobile gaming for iMore, with Apple Arcade a particular focus. He's been gaming since the Atari 2600 days and still struggles to comprehend the fact he can play console quality titles on his pocket computer. Revamped models with OLED displays, M3 chip, and redesigned Magic Keyboard accessory. Our comprehensive guide highlighting every major new addition in iOS 17, plus how-tos that walk you through using the new features.

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iOS Search

A lifelong PC builder, he currently serves as a senior editor at Tom's Guide covering all things computing, from laptops and desktops to keyboards and mice. If the M4 Airs are even farther off it's probably too soon to guess at what they'll look like, but since light-and-thin design are a key selling point of the line I expect they'll be as svelte as their predecessors. While I'd love to see the Air get a more useful port array, it seems unlikely Apple will compromise on thinness. It's too early to say yet what changes, if any, Apple will make to the design of the MacBook M4 lineup. Back in March Gurman said Apple had "just started formal development" of the MacBook Pro M4, and given the popularity of the design it seems unlikely we'll see any major changes.

MacBook M4: Outlook

Whether you talk about iOS app development or designing, user remains center of attention. That’s when you are understanding about HIG, you need to understand fundamental principles of user interaction, such as direct manipulation, feedback, and user control. This requires new software techniques, but it will also place a demand on the hardware to allow for more efficient processing.

How to connect to FTP servers in macOS using modern apps

A design that works well on a narrower screen (375pt) will almost certainly work well on a slightly wider screen (414pt) – but the reverse is not true. So it’s always better to design for narrower screens first, then double-check and adjust for larger screens. Since height is less of a constraint, it matters less whether your art boards are, say, 667 or 812 pixels tall. Maybe you’ve never designed an iPhone app, and have no idea where to begin. Maybe you’ve designed a dozen, but still want one place to reference best practices.

Moreover, the use of view controllers to present and manage data is yet another important concept you need to understand. As such, one of the most important thing here is, the effective use of typography, color, and layout. Now, the first thing that comes to mind when you read this point is, UI/UX design, and rightfully so.

Symbols come in nine weights and three scales, and automatically align with text. They can be exported and edited using vector graphics editing tools to create custom symbols with shared design characteristics and accessibility features. SF Symbols 5 introduces a collection of expressive animations, over 700 new symbols, and enhanced tools for custom symbols. If you have an app project and aren’t sure where to start, feel free to reach out.

Only since the 10th generation of iPhones (iPhone X and newer) do iPhones have the “notch” design and rounded corners on the border. Points is the unit that allows us to have higher resolution screens without all the elements on the page just shrinking. That being said, occasionally designers use the terms interchangeably, and you’ll just have to know from context which they mean.

They will have a wide choice of AI tools and will be looking for cross-platform support to ease the development process. As manufacturers lean into AI for marketing and differentiation, the apps that users crave can join the AI revolution without being locked into a single choice made by the manufacturer. Apple is going all-in on artificial intelligence across its product lineup in the coming months, so the M4 is expected to have a focus on boosting AI and machine learning performance. Rumors suggest there will be an updated Neural Engine with a greater number of cores to handle AI tasks. This also extends to how accessibility features within apps and services are deployed.

Don’t forget to follow me here on Medium as well for more design-related content. Can’t Unsee is a web game that lets you pick the correct design choices for iOS. With the help of this game, your observational skills will get tested along with your eye for design. Visual Design Guidelines have every single thing covered in categories like Adaptivity & Layout, Animations, Branding, Colour, Dark Mode, Launch Screens, Materials, Terminology, Typography, etc. Yashshree Purohit is a Technical Content Writer for We AppIt LLC, with over 5+ years of experience in delivering excellent content for different domains. She has the dedication and passion to write dull & boring lines into eye-captivating content for the audience.

Apple then paved the way for third-party apps by opening the first app store. A few years and tons of new features later, iOS 7 fueled a design revolution by making flat design the dominant style worldwide. And Apple’s design team hasn’t stopped improving and leading the way since then.

While we're still short on technical details about the M4 and what to expect, Bloomberg reporter and Apple whisperer Mark Gurman believes AI will be a major marketing point for these chips. It's still early days so we don't know much yet about what to expect from these machines, but one of the surest bets is that they'll be powered by a new Apple M4 chip being cooked up in Cupertino. Apple is getting ready to unleash a fresh wave of MacBooks on the world, and all signs point to the first models hitting store shelves in the latter half of 2024. This year, Apple's categories include inclusivity, delight and fun, interaction, social impact, visuals and graphics, and innovation.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

How to Plan the Best Alaska Cruise

which cruise line is best for alaska

A handful of cruise lines -- mostly small ship and luxury lines like Cunard, Seabourn and Windstar -- offer Alaska cruises ranging from nine to 14 days in length (generally departing from Vancouver). Mainstream lines have also started offering longer cruises to Alaska from southern West Coast ports like San Francisco and Los Angeles. These ships can also more easily follow aquatic wildlife (within legal limits). Many expedition cruises to Alaska also employ Zodiac rafts and offer kayaks and hiking trips to bring passengers closer to glaciers and creatures.

Sleeping on Seven Seas Explorer

The expedition team offers excursions by means of Zodiacs and kayaks to get up close to glaciers and find hiking trails and waterfalls on shore. And all of this while being able to dine on as much caviar as you can handle. When it comes to small ship comfort done right, we really love Viking Ocean.

Cruises for families

For all the beer lovers planning an Alaskan cruise vacation, we’ve curated the ultimate zythophile guide to visiting 5 of the best craft breweries in Alaska. We’ve curated the ultimate guide to visiting some of the most romantic destinations to vacation for couples. Most people tend to focus on the Caribbean for summer cruises, but an Alaska summer vacation can be a great option, too.

THE 25 BEST Cruises from Vancouver to Alaska (with Prices) on Cruise Critic - Cruise Critic

THE 25 BEST Cruises from Vancouver to Alaska (with Prices) on Cruise Critic.

Posted: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 23:18:30 GMT [source]

Alaska Inside Passage Cruises: Calmer Waters and Big-Ticket Destinations

If you book a Gulf of Alaska voyage, you'll also enjoy exploring parts of the Inside Passage and its ports that could include a mix of Juneau, Skagway, Sitka, Ketchikan, Haines and Icy Strait Point. Popular Inside Passage ports of call include Juneau, Icy Strait Point, Ketchikan, Petersburg, Haines and Skagway. When you want to go will depend on which activities you want to do, how you feel about cool weather and rain, and the price. Cruises at the beginning (April and May) and end (September and October) of Alaska's cruise season are generally a bit cheaper than those in June, July and August.

Check out our list of the 10 Must-Pack Items for an Alaska Cruise for more information on packing necessities on your Alaskan cruise. Dress in layers of clothing so that you can peel off (or add on) slowly as the thermometer dictates. You will want to pack a bathing suit and a very warm fleece jacket -- and you'll likely wear both at different times. When you choose to apply (and are approved) for a new credit card through our site, we may receive compensation from our partners, and this may impact how or where these products appear.


If you prefer to get off-the-beaten-track and travel with smaller groups, a wide array of small ship cruise companies offer more intimate cruises catering to adventure and luxury travelers. Cruises are typically offered in three-night, seven-night, and even up to 28-night cruises. On average, a seven-night cruise ranges from $500 to $5,000, depending on the cruise line and state room of your choice. The price typically includes all on-board expenses such as food, room, and on-ship activities. Also, book in the shoulder parts of the sailing season for additional discounts and sign up for loyalty programs to enjoy some inexpensive (or free) perks.

Dining on Discovery Princess

which cruise line is best for alaska

Watch lumberjacks in action, learn from Glacier Bay National Park rangers and craft with a Native totem pole carver. Or listen to harrowing Tales from the Deadliest Catch fishermen and climbers who have summited Denali during your Alaska cruise. Our award-winning North to Alaska program brings local personalities, culture and cuisine on board and ashore to immerse you in all things Alaska during your cruise to the Great Land. They groan, creak and shudder on their march to the sea, punctuated by the booms and crashes of "white thunder" — a sound that echoes across the water when ice calves into the ocean below. On an Alaska cruise, let us show you Glacier Bay National Park — a UNESCO World Heritage Site — Endicott Arm & Dawes Glacier, College Fjord or Hubbard Glacier. The largest tidewater glacier in North America, Hubbard Glacier has been moving its mass towards the ocean at a rate faster than most of its kind.

If you want to see nature at its finest, you must book a tour or venture farther afield. Most sail along the Inside Passage, a maritime route along the state's southern coast (and into British Columbia and Washington state) that weaves around the area's thousand islands. Some venture farther north into the Gulf of Alaska; these are often one-way cruises that begin and end at the ports near Anchorage. If you want to see landlocked areas, such as Denali National Park, you can tack a cruise line-operated tour onto the beginning or end of your sailing for a seamless land and sea vacation. It's easier than fumbling with multiple train, bus, ferry and hotel reservations to cobble together the same trip on your own. One of the key reasons to cruise Alaska versus taking a land tour is to visit destinations along the Inside Passage that you cannot reach by road.

which cruise line is best for alaska

Regardless of your choice of the best cruise line for Alaska, the entire experience of scenery, food, culture and adventure are sure to make memories to last a lifetime. Passengers can walk on, bring their vehicles and choose some unique accommodations. Book a “no frills” cabin or actually pitch a tent on deck for a travel adventure. If you are traveling with your own vehicle, four-legged family members are welcome. The former has a popular Gold Rush tour from Skagway into the Canadian Yukon as well as Fairbanks, Denali, and Anchorage land tour options. The choice for those who enjoy specialty cuisine on a small(er) ship is Oceania Cruises.

However, this also means you will have to take care of some of the flight logistics as you will have to fly from a different airport than you flew into. If you're ready to cross Alaska off your bucket list, here are our recommendations for the best Alaska cruises for families. Remove the hassle from air travel and give yourself the gift of flexibility, time and a thicker wallet with Princess EZair flights. We negotiate lower rates with the airlines, allow you to modify your flight up to 45 days prior with no penalty and protect you if your flight is late or canceled. Rush across the snow on a dog sled with a professional musher, fly fish for salmon in fresh rivers and soar over miles of glacial tundra in a helicopter.

Sail the Inside Passage, a series of channels and waterways formed by the march of glaciers, on your 7-day roundtrip Alaska cruise from Seattle. With an abundance of landmarks and wildlife, take in the sights and sounds of the Inside Passage from the comfort of your ship or on a thrilling excursion ashore. Explore fjords, glaciers and Gold Rush-era towns on weekend voyages out of Seattle. Alaska has been a popular cruise destination for decades, and the industry has continued a trajectory of growth.

The crew are trained to practically read your mind and can usually remember your favorite drink order before you even tell them. Royal Caribbean also has world-class entertainment on its ships and are a great option for families with diverse ages. Royal Princess is known for its fan-favorite Alfredo's pizza, Movies Under the Stars (when the Alaskan weather permits) and snacks and entertainment in the central Piazza.

If it's marine life you've come to see, you'll find it in abundance, from whales and dolphins to sea lions and harbor seals. On land, you'll likely spy bears and Dall sheep while eagles, puffins and a host of seabirds circle above. Glacial ice carved this passageway long ago, and today, cruise ships and fishing vessels thread their way through the islets and channels to see some of the most spectacular natural sights in the world. Instead of taking a long and expensive flight to Anchorage or Fairbanks, you can choose a cruise that sails round-trip from Seattle or Vancouver (note, you won't be able to tack on a post-cruise land trip to Denali if you do this). Restaurant prices in Alaska can be high, but a cruise bundles meals, accommodations and transportation into one price that, with sales, can be cheaper than you'd think. That's especially true of large ships, so consider a small ship for cruising to Alaska, like UnCruise or Silversea, if those glaciers are high on your must-see list.

Plus, guests can catch their own fish during shore excursions and have it prepared and served on board. This “best of” 7-night itinerary is focused on the region’s iconic Inside Passage, which gives passengers an efficient taste of all the area’s most photographed and talked about sights. Plus, Holland America offers more access to Glacier Bay National Park and has more departures featuring Glacier Bay National Park than any other cruise line.

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